
Restoring Cultural Strength and Healing for Indigenous Communities

Who We Are
Reclaiming Our Ancestral Roots Society of B.C. (ROAR) is a First Nations-led organization dedicated to supporting the healing and well-being of Indigenous communities—primarily serving First Nations, Métis, and Inuit individuals, couples, families, children, and youth in Kelowna and surrounding areas.
ROAR is governed by an elected Board of Directors, representing the community at large, and is driven by a commitment to restore the cultural roots and healing traditions of Indigenous peoples. Our work addresses the social and systemic challenges created by colonization, cultural dislocation, racism, and discrimination.

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ROAR: Reclaiming Our Ancestral Roots Society

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• Get in Touch •

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R.O.A.R.: Reclaiming Our Ancestral Roots Society

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R.O.A.R.: Reclaiming Our Ancestral Roots Society

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